The Tarvin Lab is recruiting graduate students and postdocs (updated 9/12/24)! See Join the Lab for more information.
Research in the Tarvin Lab integrates studies of natural history with genomics and phylogenetics. Specifically, our research aims to elucidate causal genetic mechanisms underlying novel traits, to characterize phenotypic diversification at macro and micro-evolutionary scales, and to identify factors that promote and constrain biodiversity. Current projects focus on the evolution of chemical defenses in poison frogs, flies, and snakes.
We believe that a productive scientist is a happy one. Thus, we support wellness in our lab by favoring work-life balance, artistic expression, and passion-driven science. We also believe that diversity in thought and experience positively impacts science. We promote diversity in our community through our individual actions, as well as science outreach and advocacy. We affirm our commitment to anti-racism through continual self-assessment, recognition of our biases, and firm support for policies that break down structural barriers.
Our lab is jointly affiliated with the Department of Integrative Biology and the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at the University of California, Berkeley.
Contact Dr. Tarvin by emailing rdtarvin [at] berkeley [dot] edu
Our research involves fieldwork in beautiful South America and the Pacific Northwest.

Find information on current projects, lab personnel, and how to join the lab by clicking on the links in the navigation bar above.