Tarvin Lab members in bold

‡Undergraduate student

†Graduate student

*Corresponding author(s)

^Contributed equally

See the Google Scholar page for Rebecca D. Tarvin

In review/revision

Ramírez-Castañeda†*, V, RD Tarvin, R Márquez. 2024. Snakes (Erythrolamprus spp.) with a complex toxic diet show convergent yet highly heterogeneous voltage-gated sodium channel evolution. EcoEvoRxiv DOI: https://doi.org/10.32942/X2MS6DTwitter Thread

Holding*, ML, SRR Kolora, JE Smith, SL McDevitt, PH Sudmant, RD Tarvin. A chromosome-level genome for a keystone ecosystem engineer and textbook mammalian study species, the California ground squirrel (Otospermophilus beecheyi).

Navarrete†^, MJ, SS Amini†^, J Saal‡, MH Wake, JC Santos, SR Ron, RD Tarvin*. Caecilians maintain a functional long-wavelength-sensitive cone opsin gene despite signatures of relaxed selection and more than 200 million years of fossoriality. bioRxiv DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2025.02.07.636964X Thread (2/13/25)

JA Goodheart, R Fiorenza, R Rio, RN Lopez-Anido, NJ Martin, TJ Herrlinger, RD Tarvin, and DC Lyons. A subset of conserved phagocytic genes are likely used for the intracellular theft of cnidarian stinging organelles in nudibranch gastropods. bioRxiv DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2025.02.13.637864


Douglas*†^, TE, R Márquez*^, VR Holmes, JS Johnston, and RD Tarvin*. Accepted. Genome size evolution and life history correlates in the poison frog family Dendrobatidae. Evolution bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2023.06.30.547273

Betancourth-Cundar, M, JC Ríos-Orjuela, AJ Crawford, DC Cannatella, and RD Tarvin*. 2025. Honoring the Afro-Colombian musical culture with the naming of Epipedobates currulao sp. nov. (Anura: Dendrobatidae), a frog from the Pacific rainforests. ZooKeys 1226: 139–170. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1226.123803PDFUniAndes Press ReleaseUC Berkeley Press Release (also in Spanish) • El EspectadorSacramento Bee


Kosch, TA, M Torres-Sánchez, HC Liedtke, K Summers, MH Yun, AJ Crawford, ST Maddock, MS Ahammed, VLN Araújo, LV Bertola, G Bucciarelli, A Carné, CM Carneiro, KO Chan, Y Chen, A Crottini, JM da Silva, RD Denton, C Dittrich, G Espregueira Themudo, KA Farquharson, NJ Forsdick, E Gilbert, J Che, BA Katzenback, R Kotharambath, NA Levis, R Márquez, G Mazepa, KP Mulder, H Müller, MJ O’Connell, P Orozco-terWengel, G Palomar, A Petzold, DW Pfennig, KS Pfennig, MS Reichert, J Robert, MD Scherz, K Siu-Ting, AA Snead, M Stöck, AMM Stuckert, JL Stynoski, RD Tarvin, KC Wollenberg Valero, and The Amphibian Genomics Consortium (AGC). 2024. The Amphibian Genomics Consortium: advancing genomic and genetic resources for amphibian research and conservation. BMC Genomics 25:1025. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-024-10899-7PDF

Tarvin*, RD, JL Coleman, DA Donoso, M Betancourth-Cundar, K López-Hervas, KS Gleason, JR Sanders, JM Smith, SR Ron, JC Santos, BE Sedio, DC Cannatella, and R Fitch. 2024. Passive accumulation of alkaloids in inconspicuously colored frogs refines the evolutionary paradigm of acquired chemical defenses. eLife 13:RP100011. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.100011.3PDF

López-Hervas‡, KS, SR Ron, JC Santos, M Betancourth-Cundar, DC Cannatella*, and RD Tarvin*. 2024. Deep divergences among inconspicuously colored clades of Epipedobates poison frogs. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 195: 108065. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2024.108065PDF


Nachman, MW, EJ Beckman, RCK Bowie, C Cicero, CJ Conroy, R Dudley, TB Hayes, MS Koo, EA Lacey, CH Martin, JA McGuire, JL Patton, CL Spencer, RD Tarvin, MH Wake, IJ Wang, A Achmadi, ST Álvarez-Castañeda, MJ Andersen, JA Arroyave Gutiérrez, CC Austin, FK Barker, LN Barrow, GF Barrowclough, J Bates, AM Bauer, KC Bell, RC Bell, AW Bronson, RM Brown, FT Burbrink, KJ Burns, CD Cadena, DC Cannatella, TA Castoe, P Chakrabarty, JP Colella, JA Cook, JL Cracraft, DR Davis, AR Davis Rabosky, G D'Elía, JP Dumbacher, JL Dunnum, SV Edwards, JA Esselstyn, J Faivovich, J Fjeldså, OA Flores-Villela, K Ford, J Fuchs, MK Fujita, JM Good, E Greenbaum, S Hackett, A Hamidy, J Hanken, T Haryoko, MTR Hawkins, LR Heaney, DM Hillis, BD Hollingsworth, AD Hornsby, PA Hosner, M Irham, S Jansa, RA Jiménez, L Joseph, JJ Kirchman, TJ LaDuc, AD Leaché, EP Lessa, H López-Fernández, NA Mason, J McCormack, CD McMahan, RG Moyle, RA Ojeda, LE Olson, CK Onn, LR Parenti, G Parra-Olea, BD Patterson, GB Pauly, SE Pavan, AT Peterson, S Poe, DL Rabosky, CJ Raxworthy, S Reddy, A Rico-Guevara, A Riyanto, LA Rocha, SR Ron, SM Rovito, KC Rowe, J Rowley, S Ruane, D Salazar-Valenzuela, AJ Shultz, B Sidlauskas, DS Sikes, NB Simmons, MLJ Stiassny, JW Streicher, BL Stuart, AP Summers, JJ Tavera Vargas, P Teta, CW Thompson, RM Timm, O Torres-Carvajal, G Voelker, RS Voss, K Winker, C Witt, EA Wommack, RM Zink. 2023. Specimen collection is essential for modern science. PLoS Biology 21:e3002318. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3002318PDF

Tarvin*, RD, KC Pearson*†, TE Douglas, V Ramírez-Castañeda, María José Navarrete†. 2023. The diverse mechanisms animals use to resist toxins. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 54: 283-306. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-102320-102117PDF

Wan‡^, YC, MJ Navarrete^†, LA O’Connell, LH Uricchio, A Roland, ME Maan, SR Ron, M Betancourth-Cundar, MR Pie, K Howell, CL Richards-Zawacki, ME Cummings, DC Cannatella, JC Santos*, and RD Tarvin*. 2023. Selection on visual opsin genes in diurnal Neotropical frogs and loss of the SWS2 opsin in poison frogs. Molecular Biology and Evolution 40: msad206. (Open Access) https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msad206PDFTwitter Thread (10/21/22)

Montana, KO, V Ramírez-Castañeda†, and RD Tarvin*. 2023. Are Pacific Chorus Frogs (Pseudacris regilla) resistant to tetrodotoxin (TTX)? Characterizing potential TTX exposure and resistance in an ecological associate of Pacific Newts (Taricha). Journal of Herpetology 57: 220—228. (Open Access) https://doi.org/10.1670/22-002PDF

Chambers*, EA, RD Tarvin*, JC Santos, SR Ron, M Betancourth-Cundar, DM Hillis, MV Matz, and DC Cannatella. 2023. 2b or not 2b? 2bRAD is an effective alternative to ddRAD for phylogenomics. Ecology and Evolution 13: e9842. PDFhttps://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.9842Twitter Thread (3/10/23)


Ramírez Castañeda^†, V, EP Westeen^, J Frederick, S Amini, D Wait, AS Achmadi, N Andayanie, E Arida, U Arifin, MA Bérnal, E Bonaccorso, MB Sanguila, RM Brown, J Che, FP Condori, D Hartiningtias, AE Hiller, DT Iskandar, RA Jiménez, R Khelifa, R Márquez, JG Martínez-Fonseca, JL Parra, JV Peñalba, L Pinto-García, OH Razafindratsima, SR Ron, S Souza, J Supriatna, RCK Bowie, C Cicero, JA McGuire, RD Tarvin*. 2022. A set of principles and practical suggestions for equitable fieldwork in biology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119: e2122667119. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2122667119 (Open Access) • Press ReleasePublic Talk

Supplementary tools and Spanish translation available here: https://osf.io/wbnf6/


Steigerwald, E, V Ramírez-Castañeda†, DYC Brandt, A Báldi, JT Shapiro, L Bowker*, RD Tarvin*. 2022. Overcoming language barriers in academia: machine translation tools and a vision for a multilingual future. BioScience 72(10): 988–998. DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biac062 (Open Access) Press Release in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian

Translations of the article are available in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Hungarian here: https://osf.io/7sn2c/

Womack, MC, E Steigerwald, DC Blackburn, DC Cannatella, A Catenazzi, J Che, MS Koo, JA McGuire, SR Ron, C Spencer, VT Vredenburg, RD Tarvin*. 2022. State of the Amphibia 2020: Five years of amphibian research, diversity and resources. Journal of Ichthyology and Herpetology 110: 638–661. https://doi.org/10.1643/h2022005PDF

Douglas†, TE, SG Beskid‡, CE Gernand‡, BE Nirtaut‡, K Tamsil‡, R Fitch, RD Tarvin*. 2022. Trade-offs between cost of ingestion and rate of intake drive defensive toxin use. Biology Letters 18(2): 20210579. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2021.0579PDF

Pearson†‡, K, and RD Tarvin*. 2022. A review of chemical defense in harlequin toads (Bufonidae; Atelopus). Toxicon: X 13:100092. (Open Access) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxcx.2022.100092PDFUC Berkeley Press Release



Akram, A, M Rais, K López-Hervas, RD Tarvin, M Saeed, DI Bolnick, and DC Cannatella. An insight into molecular taxonomy of bufonids, microhylids, and dicroglossid frogs: First genetic records from Pakistan. 2021. Ecology and Evolution 11: 14175–14216. PDFhttps://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8134

Uetz P, MS Koo, R Aguilar, E Brings, A Catenazzi, AT Chang, R Chaitanya, P Freed, J Gross, M Hammermann, J Hosek, M Lambert, Z Sergi, CL Spencer, K Summers, R Tarvin, VT Vredenburg, DB Wake. 2021. A Quarter Century of Reptile and Amphibian Databases. Herpetological Review 52(2): 246-255. PDFlink


Tarvin*, RD. 2020. A sucker for taste. Cell 183: 587–588. (invited preview article) PDFhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2020.10.012


Santos, JC, RD Tarvin, LA O'Connell, D Blackburn, and LA Coloma. 2018. Diversity within diversity: Transcriptomic characterization of eukaryotic symbionts in poison frogs. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 125: 40–50. PDFhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2018.03.015


Tarvin^*, RD, CM Borghese^*, W Sachs, JC Santos, L Yu, LA O'Connell, DC Cannatella, RA Harris, and HH Zakon*. 2017. Interacting amino acid replacements allow poison frogs to evolve epibatidine resistance. Science 357: 1261–1266. PDFhttps://doi.org/10.1126/science.aan5061

Tarvin*, RD, E Powell‡, JC Santos, SR Ron, and DC Cannatella. 2017. The birth of aposematism: High phenotypic divergence and low genetic diversity in a young clade of poison frogs. ​Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 109: 283–295. PDFhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2016.12.035


Tarvin*, RD, JC Santos, LA O’Connell, HH Zakon, and DC Cannatella. 2016. Convergent substitutions in sodium channel suggest multiple origins of toxin resistance in poison frogs. Molecular Biology and Evolution 33:1068-1081. PDFhttps://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msv350

Santos*^, JC, RD Tarvin*^, and LA O'Connell*^. 2016. A review of chemical defense in poison frogs (Dendrobatidae): Ecology, pharmacokinetics and autoresistance. In: Schulte, BA, TE Goodwin, MH Ferkin, editors. Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 13. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. p. 305-337. PDFlinkbook

2015 & before

Tarvin, RD, CS Bermúdez, VS Briggs, and KM Warkentin. 2015. Carry-over effects of size at metamorphosis in red-eyed treefrogs: higher survival but slower growth of larger metamorphs. Biotropica 47:218-226. PDFhttps://doi.org/10.1111/btp.12198 [college thesis]

Tarvin*, RD, P Peña, and SR Ron. 2014. Changes in population size and survival in Atelopus spumarius (Anura: Bufonidae) are not correlated with chytrid prevalence. Journal of Herpetology 48:291-297. PDFhttps://doi.org/10.1670/11-269

Muñoz, M, NG Crawford, TJ McGreevy, NJ Messana, RD Tarvin, LJ Revell, RM Zandvliet, JM Hopwood, E Mock, AL Schneider, and CJ Schneider. 2013. Divergence in coloration and ecological speciation in the Anolis marmoratus species complex. Molecular Ecology 22:2668-2682. PDFhttps://doi.org/10.1111/mec.12295


Bernal, XE, B Rojas, MA Pinto, ÁM Mendoza-Henao, A Herrera-Montes, MI Herrera-Montes, A del Pilar Cáceres Franco, 254 signatories (including RD Tarvin). 2019. Empowering Latina scientists. Science 363: 825-826. PDFlink

Tarvin, RD*, Acosta, D, and S Ron. 2015. Is habitat destruction more dangerous for Atelopus than chytrid? Froglog 113:38. PDFlink

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